Live Flight Departures Manchester Airport

Information on Live Flight Departures at Manchester Airport, planes leaving to both international and national destinations from the 3 terminals that make up the vast complex.

To keep up to speed with live flight departures at Manchester Airport our site provides you with the perfect tool.  Refreshing this page will always supply you with an up ot date list of the many planes leaving Manchester Airport.  If your flight is delayed or you just want to know which terminal it departs from then this page can help.

Live Flight Departures Manchester Airport

Live Flight Departures Manchester Airport

Watching live Manchester Airport departures is also made fun by the aviation viewing park that is open to the public.  The park allows you to get up close and personal with the airfield.  An uninterrupted view of the airfield awaits for only a small entrance fee and it is great for all of the family.  Watching the giants of the sky arrive and depart from the site is a great way to spend a Sunday morning.

Another place to watch live departures is the pub situated at the opposite end of the site.  A beer garden gives good views of aircraft and there is also a playground for the kids to pass the time while daddy watched the planes.

As this is the unofficial site we can not be held responsible for any errors shown on this page.  We hope to bring you the most up to date information but we do rely on a 3rd party so errors may occur.  If you are not sure about any of the information on the Live Flight Departures board then we recommend that you contact the airport or your airline direct.